Tovara virginiana (L.) Raf.

Dept, of Biology, Seoul National University (SNU)
Polygonum virginianum L.
Jeong-hwan Mun and Chong-wook Park	1994
FOX GLEN, a short
deep notch in the
North Range at the
ne. corner of the
Baraboo Range, just
s. of the Baraboo R.
off CascadeMtn.
Rd., % mi. SSW
of 1-90-94 jet.
withHwy. 33 (T12N, R8E, sec. 22 NE%).
Southernmesic forest developed onGalesville
Sandstone (Upper Cambrian) in lower two-thirds
of glen and on Tunnel City Group substrata (do-
lomitic quartz sandstone and thin dolomite lay-
ers ; Upper Cambrian) in tipper third of the glen.
Theodore S. Cochrane and Kenneth I. Lange
July 28, 1985	No.: 11,317
Dry-mesic forest in middle third of notch
(840-890 ft. elev.), still mostly Ulmus
americana-Carpinus caroliniana t with Quer-
cus borealis, Juglans cinerea, Carya cordi-
formis, Celtis occidentalis; groundlayer
associates: Equisetum arvense, Carex pedun-
culata, C. amphibola var. turgida, Polygonum
virginianum, Geum canadense, Amphicarpaea
bracteata, Sanicula gregaria, Galium tri-
florum, G^. concinnum, Phryma leptostachya.