Salvia columbariae Benth.

Harvard University, Gray Herbarium (QH)
Salvia columbariae Benth.
Herbs to 15in tall, occasional, flowers purple, only just
beginning to flower. Desert area low on a rocky hillside
grading into the bottom of a short,‘steep, sandy arroyo, on
gravelly loam to sand (“badlands” eroded alluvium and
probably Carsitas gravelly sand, 0 to 9 percent slopes; mixed,
hyperthermic Typic Torripsamments). With Ambrosia
dumosa, Aristida adscensionis, Brandegea bigelovii, Brassica
tournefortii, Camissonia claviformis, C. refracta, Chaenactis
carphoclinia, Cryptantha maritima, Ditaxis lanceolata,
Encelia farinosa, Eriogonum thomasii, Eschscholzia
californica, E. minutiflora, Fouquieria splendens, Hyptis
emoryi, Larrea tridentata, Lupinus arizonicus, Mentzelia
involucrata, Mohavea confertiflora, Opuntia basilaris,
Parkinsonia aculeata, Perityle emoryi, Phacelia crenulata,
Plantago ovata, Psorothamnus spinosus, Schismus arabicus
and Senecio mohavensis. Many of the herbaceous plants here
are probably more robust this year than most years due to an
unusually rainy winter. Plants collected in mid to late
afternoon in sunny weather with probably about 50% relative
humidity and 75°F to 80°F, the air fragrant because of all of
the flowering plants. Box Canyon, along the W. side of Box
Canyon Road, around lOmi SW of the intersection with
Interstate 10 and around 0.7mi SE of Blake Hill. Riverside
Co. Elev. 880ft. 33°36'47"N, 115° 55' 04"W. UTM 11
600403E 3719788N (NAD83/WGS84).
Coll. Doug Goldman #3030
3 March 2005