Fuirena pumila (Torr.) Spreng.

  • Filed As

    Fuirena cf. pumila (Torr.) Spreng.

  • Identifiers

    NY Barcode: 03083259

    Occurrence ID: 65fb8264-a109-4922-b3fa-1f8a2f18a617

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Marion Ownbey Herbarium [WS]
Washington State University
Fuirena cf. pumila (Torr.) Spreng.
United States. FL. Gadsen Co.
Near boundary with Liberty county. West of Tallahassee,
north side of Hwy 20 1.3 mi. east of jet. with 267 North, 1.3
mi. east of split of 20 and 267 North, east of Blonham.
Marsh, aquatics forming a floating mat on water.
Assoc, taxa: Mat plants: Typha, Eleocharis, Fuirena, Carex,
Juncus, unk. aquatic, Azolla, occasional Sparganium.
Surrounded by Acer trees, unk. shrub, Rhynchospora, other
trees, Paspalidium, Cladiuml, nearby Taxodium.
N30°23'16" W84°39'48"
Eric Roalson 1491	30 May 2002