Crataegus laurentiana var. brunetiana (Sarg.) Kruschke
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Crataegus laurentiana var. brunetiana (Sarg.) Kruschke -
NY Barcode: 02734543
Occurrence ID: 83161e8c-5ebf-461c-93c1-0b1264a69149
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Location Notes
[US & Canada]
164 XUiodora ?«*** year, light reddish brown or gray slightly tinged with rad and lustrous during their second season, and armed with thick nearly straight bright chestnut-brown. shining: spines 3—4 cm, In length., Flowers at the end of May. Fruit ripens the first of October. Province of Quebec 3 Roadside in the Indian village of Caugh nawaga in the Caughrtawaga Reservation* near the southern bank of the St, ' River at the I^acMu-e- Rapids, /. G, jfeek* August and September »899, May and September 1900« Although still known only in a single individual, I venture to describe this plant as it is- one of the most interesting’ and distinct of Mr, Jack’s numerous discoveries in the neighborhood of Montreal.,, differing as it does from, ail the other species of this group in the large and very conspicuous bracts and bractlets of the in florescence, and the much enlarged foliaceous lobes of the mature calyx. Or-ataeg'tas 3Br iioetiana, n, §p* Leaves rhombic to oblong- obovate or rarely and usually only on vigorous shoots to ovate, acute-, mostly concave-cuneate and gradually or abruptly narrowed to the glandular base, sharply and generally doubly serrate, with straight or incurved teeth, tipped wit In small dark red persistent glands* and more or less deeply divided into numerous acuminate lobes 5 as they unfold tinged with red, and villo&e above and along the midribs and veins below3 and when the flowers open nearly fully grown and glabrous with the exception of a few pale hairs on the upper surface ; at maturity subcoriaceous, glabrous, dark green and lustrous above, light yellow-green below» j'-iS cin> long, 3*5—5 cm. wide, with stout midribs and. 4 or 5 pairs of primary veins arching to the points of the lobes ; petioles stout, snore or ¡ess wing-margined above, glandu- lar., with numerous small dark red glands mostly deciduous before autumn, often bright red late in the season like the lower part of the midrids 1 stipules oblong-obavate, rounded or acute at the apex to lanceolate, coarsely glandular-serrate, caduoous. Flowers about t.B cm. in diameter on elongated slender pedicels, in broad thin-branched open compound many-powered, corymbs $ bracts and bractlets oblong- obovate to lanceolate, glandular-serrate, caducous; calyx-tube nar- rowly obconic, thickly coated with loog matted white hairs, the lobes gradually narrowed from broad bases-, acuminate, coarsely glandular- serrate* villose on the upper surface; stamens to ; anthers pale yellow; styles 3. or 4, surrounded at the base by a broad ring of pale tomentum. Fruit on long pedicels, in many-fruited gracefully drooping slightly villose clusters, oblong or slightly obovate, full and rounded, at the ends, crimson* lustrous, marked by occasional large pale dots, *,.3 to- *,5 cm,. long, about 1 cm. thick; calyx-cavity deep and narrow, the lobes elongated, acuminate, glandular-serrate, villose on the upper surface* red above toward the base, closely appressed. iof! 8/13/2009 12:24 PM Rosaceae Crataegus brunetiana Sargent Rhodora 5: 164. 1903. BOTANICAL 5*ardeH NEW YORK BOTANICAL GARDEN 02734543 Lectotype (selected by J. B. Phipps, J. Bot. Res. Inst. Texas 3(1): 240. 2009): CANADA, Quebec, Quebec Co., Montmorency Falls, 30 May 1901, J. G. Jack 129 (Lectotype: A). ver. T. Zanoni, 2009 5 PM 02734543
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Crataegus laurentiana var. brunetiana (Sarg.) Kruschke