Episcia sphalera Leeuwenb.

Plants of the Guiana Shield
Episcia sphalera Leeuwenb.
Det. Christian Feuillet Mar 2015
Guyana : Cuyuni-Mazaruni: Aruwai Falls about half way up
6° 20' 41 "N, 60° 34’ 29" W, Elevation: 133 m.
Lithophyte or epiphyte to 3 m high or scrambling herb
spreading from stolons. Leaves ling green. Calyx green; fruit
light green; corolla pale cream green, outside of lobes on
buds darker green. Flowers solitary, axillary.
K. M. Redden, C. Perry, P. Benjamin, D. Singh, C. ^ October 2006
Wilkie & C. E. Hinchliff 5073
United States National Herbarium (US)
Biological Diversity of the Guiana Shield Program