Nautilocalyx cordatus (Gleason) L.E.Skog

  • Filed As

    Nautilocalyx cordatus (Gleason) L.E.Skog

  • Identifiers

    NY Barcode: 03060733

    Occurrence ID: ac0cefd9-e7be-4b98-9ee3-7b03eb11a8e4

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Plants of the Guiana Shield
Nautilocalyx cordatus (Gleason) L.E. Skog
Det. Christian Feuillet
Guyana : Potaro-Siparuni: Kaieteur National Park. Above
5° 10' 28"N, 59° 28' 54" W, Elevation: 474 m.
Scrambling, prostrate herb on rocks by waterfall with ferns.
Stems red, calyx red, leaves with white streak along midrib
on abaxial side. Flwrs white, lobes light purple with purple
nectar guides,
K. M. Redden, C. Perry, K. J. Wurdack, K. Glennon, i August 2006
E. Liverpool, P. Benjamin & C. E. Hinchliff 3848
United States National Herbarium (US)
Biological Diversity of the Guiana Shield Program