Petalidium cymbiforme Schinz

Plants of Namibia
Petalidium cymbiforme Schinz
£-Tripp & Kyle Dexter #2078, with Hendrina Hasheela & Leevi Lanyeni.
Determination: JE. Tripp & K. Dexter August 2011
31 km N of junction of CIO and C37, on C37; rocky slope^ shrub to 0.4 m, small,
localized population, corollas white, plants sticky, oily, and pungent, bracts pale
27°38'47.7"S 17°45'25.7"E +/-20 m. WG9 84. 700 m elevation.
Duplicates: RSA, K, CAS, US, NY, MO. Primary set of all collections deposited at WIND. Funded by US
National Science Foundation DEB-0919594 (to E. Tripp & L. McDade).