Conradina canescens var. canescens
Filed As
Conradina canescens var. canescens -
NY Barcode: 3030455
Occurrence ID: 2ff7dc2b-f92c-4e09-bbf7-117c50187840
All Determinations
Location Notes
[US & Canada]
BiSjOSQ JO X}lSJ3AlUfl 6661 ^00JD 1M¤IAY P33íJ SUdOSdUDD 'JBA Xbjq y (ureqjirag xa /Cbjq 'V P /(SJJOX) SUdOSdUDD vuipojuoj the Suw‰nee river, is a damnable outrage, and can only fee accounted by the political power of these railways in the state. Just now thefe is further evidence of this throttling development in | T \ orida by the railways, through their attempt to check the building of a ilroad across the southern part of the st‰te, about 200 miles in length, at would in ike end be the southern Atlantic terminus of this West I*Ñ4* orida Coast Line, of which it would form the connecting link with lower orida, and the northwestern part of the country, or in fact, all of these litedl States west of a line drawn north from Tallahassee to the Canadian ie. These extensions would cut off hundreds of miles of wasted trans- ¥rtation, that is that which would not be required if the pfr˜ptosed roads este built, saving millions of dollars in the way of transportation now paid 7 those who use twa.long sides of the triangle to reach this western and luthwestedn territory from the west and northwes. The effrontery of the roads objecting to this southern cut-off, the East oast Line, and the Atlantic Coast line, is shown in the old ÇVanderbilt yle; they employ of ÒThe public be damned,Ó in their statement that Òthe >plicants proposed railroad through this section will serve undeveloped rritory,Ó this being one of their reasons for opposing the same* It used > be the custom of railways to aid in development of the Òundeveloped rj-ILvi"yÓ of the country. It was thus that this great country of ours from le Atlantic to the Pacific, and from Canada to .the gulf, was developed, xŽ the population increased from' thirty-one million in I860 to one'hun- red and ten million at the present time. This was a glorious record for hich the railway -builders of the past sixty years made names that will gŽ >w# in history as public benefactors and primal Guilders of these great iiited -States. Both of these proposed , railways are erttirely within the state of lorida. iy Why then Should they have to secure the permission of the “tŽrstate Cot—merce Commission to build them? ÀBere is another evidence Õ tfche trampling in. the dust of our constitutional state rights, of the cer alization of government in Washington,,that is largely accountable for tv Àg esent scandalous conditions that have been exposed as existing th' ire> nd these examinations have been withheld from the I. C. Ct, evide n^ly the power of Wall street in controlling that body. There has be* .n ®• eater damage done portions of the country, by the worst scandal s that ve been exposed, than would be found by an honest and thorough exami- iow one. ¥ding the jyerte, and tion of the acts of the Interstate Commerce Commission, just £ the most damaging departments of our government, disregar rhts of the cojjunon people, of communities, commerce destr< ing on)y Wall Street puppets. _ :sAbs- ÔsjBjaunj JO asik aq* o% SujEjjaj- .^i^mosoa g ??? ' -iuot^aa'iitfoD sftqV uj sauij s,pooH 9.iaqV traqj, I ã*aDuÇxqtuauiaj Àoj oab.i£ aq* o*ut *&ioiq* aq^s^muasoa -i:*nBaq Stq} uo ÀBSS9 $uo\ B loj punoo^ aqqi .¥$ jb9u im moA <1993 Ô®vto^toaa^. Suppunoaans puÇ SMOjpuy ^jo s^i^tttqtssod pusj‰ aq* 4noqÇ sSun$ SuiSBJBdsip r£bs $Çq^ ubukma ao; ubui aq* ai^oaqj, ÀjiB^uaui puB iAm poA fBqq.. ne uj Ôop noiC ^q; ut 9AI^lSOd eg *Suiq^J9A9 S90p 9P ONS‚** 0 sSæm ir iv ni III YI ru ¥}UB{d aq* jo sj9A\.oy re S94B91 ui tttjijuaid ®wU Ápunoj qotqAv Ô[io aqj aanoas ovatto autos g XBd ppaoM ^1 Ôs^noqBaaaq saopÔ?i ÀftuVunxnj sb Suu^uS %ueid stqi S9J3B jo spaapunq aqq. q^tM :jBq) 99S pinOM *1011031Ç JO UOI^ippB I Stqaq qons '^ˆsiBui 04 popoeu If HÈ Ôsawad q3iq p|—s sawnjiad ,q oq^Ô bÈ pmfoO uaaq aAÇq ^snui jiO [i pue j^ito^ iuÇ sR ^uÇjSbj;j sb si qatq^v >ub ^0 ua^pr uaaq p^q Ito aq^ qa^M -uibaj Ôuo^ft^•p qSWoi Aq pajBdaid Ôaa^BM AjBtuasoa jo a^ -^o-i b ao|j[0 s/^a^ aiR 0^ ^qSnoxq 9q 3[aaAi ^sb>| ; Ôuoi^aas -;).Bq$ ut SutAoaS AiBlmˆs˜^jo spi9$ a‰iBf aiam aiaqj iBq^ pa^^s ^wq oqi- ssojdb Ôe^aipuy *”g jo ÇaAti oqA ÔjjoAiog ubq ; ; I AUVwasoÈ mm Ôs nMdv *ya/if07j ÔsA•awNV is 6 * / N3aav9 nvoiNvxoa >Çmoa MSN 3HX Jo wnidvadaH S96I Arerarejf Xbjq -3 sBuioqx ¥yClTSJ3Aran P (SBjBiqq) ABjQ vutpvjuoj snnsS aqj jo Xpnjs orqdBiSo‰oai b ur pautuiBxg (Õ868T '0L1r69P -SZ q^ID *100 Às-uox Õnng Ôipaxs vpusqnd vuipvmoj) 08WI "6ZZ :Zl 'Jpojj oa ur ureqjngg xa o y x susosauvo vtijuituvptj) '0L8T ÕS6Z :8 Õpvoy -my oojj Ô“Cbiq [*oa tn 'q;asg xa 9 q Õx] sudosauvo vutpviuoj SSfrOSOSO Nˆdt“VOWîiNVlñS >ldOX AA3N
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Conradina canescens var. canescens