Scleria triglomerata Michx.

Ada Hayden Herbarium
Iowa State University
Flora of Iowa
Scleria triglomSrata Michx.
Clarke Co.: Liberty Township T73N R24W Sec 15 NE2 NE4 NW4
The site is approximately 3 miles southeast of the town of Liberty. It is
a small, disturbed mesic prairie remnant on a hillside owned by Dorthy
Baringer. The prairie is located on the Southern Iowa Drift Plain (south-
central unit).
Frequent on the prairie. All of the ramets were in fruit and the fruits
were a light grass green color (as opposed to white when mature).
Associated with Asclepias turberosa, Baptisia lactea. Euphorbia
coro/lata, Helianthus ngidus, Poa pratensis, SHphium laciniatum and
Sisyrinchium campestre. This is the first known collection of Scleria
triglomerata from Clarke County.
Mark J. Leoschke 925
Dorthy Baringer
John Pearson
26 June 1989
Collected for the Iowa Department of Natural Resources