Scleria triglomerata Michx.

Ada Hayden Herbarium
Iowa State University
Flora of Iowa
Scleria trialomerata Michx.
Union County: T73N R29W Section 31 NE4
Three Mile Lake Wildlife Management Area is approximately 3.5 miles
north/northwest of Afton. Much of the upland portion of this site is formerly
overgrazed pasture and is on the Southern Iowa Drift Plain.
Scleria trialomerata is locally common on a gentle, southeast-facing slope. It is
associated with Ambrosia psilostachva. Andropoaon gerardii. Antennaria
nealecta. Chamaecrista fasciculata. Daucus carota. Lespedeza capitata. Poa
compressa and Pycnanthemum virainianum.
Mark J. Leoschke 2077	June 19, 2000
Mel Moe
Collected for the Iowa Department of Natural Resources