Scleria triglomerata Michx.

Ada Hayden Herbarium
Iowa State University
Flora of Iowa
Scleria trialomerata Michx.
Wapello County: Competine Township T73N R12W Section 4
Martinsburg Cemetery occurs east of Farson Road and approximately 2 miles
north of Farson. A less than 0.5 acre, average quality mesic tallgrass prairie is
found in the east end of the cemetery. The prairie is on the Southern Iowa Drift
Scleria triqlomerata is infrequent and scattered in the north half of the prairie.
The fruits are mostly light green to light brown/green, while a few fruits are
white. Scleria trialomerata is associated with Lespedeza capitata. Pastinaca
sativa. Poa pratensis. Schizachvrium scoparium. Solidaao riaida and
Sorahastrum nutans.
Mark J. Leoschke 1867	August 16,1998