Helminthotheca echioides (L.) Holub

  • Filed As

    Helminthotheca echioides (L.) Holub

  • Identifiers

    NY Barcode: 2905190

    Occurrence ID: dc71a481-4881-4e65-8abe-db1e45e3c474

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Oregon State University
Flora of California, USA
Helminthotheca echioides (L.) Holub
San Luis Obispo Co., California: Along State Hwy. 1,
ca. 1.4 miles south of Ragged Point, near the spot
where the Hwy. crosses over San Carpoforo Creek.
Elev. 21 m.
N 35.76154° W 121.32078° WGS84
Habitat: Roadside.
Flowers yellow; perennial to 1.5 meters tall.
Associated taxa: Ceanothus, Vicia, Toxicodendron,
Artemisia, Eriophyllum, Stachys.
Richard R. Halse 8442	27 March 2012