Heliopsis helianthoides subsp. scabra (Dunal) T.R.Fisher

  • Filed As

    Heliopsis helianthoides subsp. scabra (Dunal) T.R.Fisher

  • Identifiers

    NY Barcode: 2905122

    Occurrence ID: 3312d8d1-7b45-4a63-875f-422e77355c2d

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Oregon State University
Flora of South Dakota, USA
Heliopsis helianthoides (L.) Sweet var. scabra
(Dunal) Fernald
Deuel Co., South Dakota: Along 181 Street ca. 1.3
miles east of its junction with State Hwy. 15 on a knoll
overlooking the lake of Clear Lake. Elev. 550 m.
N 44.76188° W 96.66453° WGS84
Rays yellow.
Associated taxa: Liatris, Ratibida, Amorpha, Bouteloua,
Rosa, Melilotus, Panicum.
Richard R. Halse 8310	6 Aug 2011