Schoenoplectus tabernaemontani (C.C.Gmel.) Palla

  • Filed As

    Schoenoplectus tabernaemontani (C.C.Gmel.) Palla

  • Identifiers

    NY Barcode: 2889823

    Occurrence ID: 04ed83c4-312a-42fc-9eaa-371e1080577f

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Schoenoplectus (Scirpus) tabernaemontani (C.C.Gmel
ssp. validus (Vahl)
det.: A.A. Reznicek, 14 Oct. 2000 Cyperaceae
ILLINOIS: McHENRY COUNTY 42° 15' 55.7" N, 88° 17'
10.2" W. McHenry, ILL. 7.5 min. quad., T. 44 N., R. 8
E., SW/4, NW/4, SW/4, NE/4, section 27. E side IL Rt.
31 (FAU 336), north of housing development "The
Fountains At Crystal Lake". Elev. 240 m (810-820 ft).
Impounded bass pond, above level of valley floor, spring
- seep fed, calcareous.
Successional marshland, Carex, Eleocharis, Bidens,
Scirpus, Juncus. Occasional perennial herb at margin
of pond; stems terete.
Steven R. Hill 33206
19 September 2000