Rubus occidentalis L.

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    Rubus occidentalis L.

The New York Botanical Garden
Woody Plants of U. S. A.
ROSACEAE Rubus occidentalis L.
Primocanes arching, to 2 m. high and several m. long;
pith white; stem and petiole with easily rubbed off white
waxy bloom, green beneath this bloom. Floricanes
arching, seldom over 1.5 m. high, sometimes rooting
at the tip and sending up new primocanes; floricanes
with short upright side branches, the pith of old stems
and short fertile shoots light tan. Petals and anthers
white; anthers turning brown after petals fall.
Abundant, with R^ cf. allegheniensis, R. strigosus. but
commoner than these species. In ungrazed woods of
Quercus alba, Acer rubrum, Ostrya virginiana on E-facing
slope, logged about 6 years ago and with ca. 50% canopy.
WISCONSIN: Richland Co., 3 miles SE of Richland Center.
T 10 N; R 1 E; SEiSW* sec. 25.	alt. 260 m.
Coll.: M. Nee
June 4, 1979