Rhynchospora recognita (Gale) Kral

  • Filed As

    Rhynchospora recognita (Gale) Kral

  • Identifiers

    NY Barcode: 2885416

    Occurrence ID: 9e67e2ec-66f1-4782-aa78-465dab3f7302

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Revision of Rhynchospora sect. Globulares
Rhynchospora recognita (Gale) Krai
Det. Patrick D. McMillan 01/18/2006
Clemson University Herbarium/Biota of SC
Rhynchospora globularis (Chaps.) Snail
Beauregard Parish: Lon hillside seepage slope in longleaf pine savannah,
SEQ, NWQ, Sec. 35, T4S, R12W, on M side of tinber road, ca. 2 «i S of
county road at a point 0.4 ni E of LA 389 and 4.7 ni S of US 190 at
Merryville, Merryville South 7.5’ Quad., 30°40’24"N, 93°33,54"H. Elev.
100-125 ft. Geology - Internediate Terraces escarpnent above Prairie Terrace.
Steve L. Orzell and Edwin L. Bridges 6890	21 Hay 1988
The University of Texas Herbariun (TEX-LL)