Helenium autumnale L.

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    Helenium autumnale L.

Det.: S.R.Hill, (ILLS) 2009
MCHENRY COUNTY 42.48865° N. Lat. 088.33261°
W. Long. T.46N., R.8E., SW1/4 Sect. 5. McHenry Co.
North Branch Preserve; 1.6 mi north-northwest of
Richmond, 2000 ft south of Wisconsin State Line, 500 ft
east of Keystone Road; south of North Branch Nippersink
Creek. Richmond 7.5’ quadrangle. Coordinate Datum:
WGS84/NAD83. Elevation 820 ft. Glacial terrain, wet
peaty soil.'
Sedge meadow recently cleared and burned with
Car ex spp., Eleocharis, Lysimachia, Qeum. Locally
common erect herb 1-1.5 meter tall, rays and disc
yellow, rays reflexed.
Steven R. Hill 38351
23 September 2009