Rhynchospora nitens (Vahl) A.Gray

  • Filed As

    Rhynchospora nitens (Vahl) A.Gray

  • Identifiers

    NY Barcode: 2884782

    Occurrence ID: c3ee9728-f886-4821-9e4b-490028990419

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PsiLOCARYA NIT.ENS (Vahl.) /i(Scirpus nitens, Vahl/, Enum.
, 11^272 (1806); P. rkynchosporoides, Torn, Ann. Lyc./N.Y.,
p. 361 (1836) ; RhyncJiospora nitens. Gray.)	•
The relationship of this species to the P. scirpoides,. Tom,
cannot yet be regarded as established. True P. nitens has a
transversely rugose achenium and a short tubercle ; true P. scir-
pôides a smooth or but slightly rugose achenium and a long
tubercle. A specimen in Herb. Torrey, collected by Leaven-
worth in East Florida and written up by Dr. Torrey as P. inter-
media, has a strongly rugose achenium and a tubercle intermedi-
ate in length, indicating that they may all be but fôrms of one
species, to which Vahl’s specific name must be applied. P. Tex-
ensist Torr. & Hook., seems not much more distinct than the
others. Thé fourth member of the genus (P. corymbiformis/
(Wright),- Benth. & Hook., Gen. Pl., iii^ 1048 ; Scirpus corymbt-
formis, Wright, in Sauvalle Flor. Cubana, 176), has much more
claim to specific rank.	____
North American Plants, a No. 31€
Rhynchospora nitens, GrayI
(Psilocarya rkynchosporoides, Torr.)
Miry places, near Jacksonville, Florida.