Hasteola robertiorum L.C.Anderson

  • Filed As

    Hasteola robertiorum L.C.Anderson

  • Identifiers

    NY Barcode: 2881406

    Occurrence ID: 0da7dc82-86d4-4568-8bd5-8be31f5f1190

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Hasteola robertiorum L. C. Anderson
Lake County: Seepage-saturated hydric hammock along spring-fed
blackwater stream (Sulphur Run), ca. 0.6 air mi SE of Lake Jordan,
1.5 air mi ESE of Cassia, ca. 15 air mi ENE of Eustis; NEQ, SEQ,
Sec. 31 and NWQ, SWQ, Sec. 32, T18S, R29E; Seminole State
Forest, Pine Lakes 7.5' Quad.; 28°52,36" N, 81026'37" W; Elev. 15-
20 ft, Common on §oggy, sometimes quaking, deep black muck,
under a canopy of Quercus laurifolia, Acer rubrum, Fraxinus
Pennsylvania, Liquidambar styraciflua, Magnolia virginiana, Sabal
palmetto, Tilia caroliniana, and Ulmus americana. Shrub and ground
cover associates include Rhapidophyllum hystrix, Agarista
populifolia, Dryopteris ludoviciana, Thelypteris kunthii, T. palustris,
Dichanthelium commutatum, Decumaria barbara, Carex leptalea,
Rhynchospora miliacea, Panicum anceps, and Spiranthes odorata.
Mature plants ranging from 0.8-1.5 m tall, basal leaves mostly gone
or severely damaged by insects and flooding by anthesis.
Population phenology ranging from plants in bud to others with
dehiscing achenes at this date, most vigorous in canopy gaps.
Steve L. Orzell, E. L. Bridges, and G. Reese 23332 18 Oct 1994
Sheet 1 of 2 sheets
Fairchild Tropical Garden Herbarium (FTG)