Grindelia squarrosa (Pursh) Dunal

  • Filed As

    Grindelia squarrosa (Pursh) Dunal

  • Identifiers

    NY Barcode: 2877048

    Occurrence ID: 1622c1cd-3437-4086-a84e-5af160d8f803

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The New York Botanical Garden
Plantgs of MONTANA
Grindelia squarrosa (Pursh) Dunal
var. cruasiperennis Lunell
MT. Chouteau Co.: along.US 87, 8.2 mi S of
jet US 87 & MT 387 near Ft. Benton, 8.6 mi N
Plants very common along gravelly hwy
shoulder. Most forming large multi-stemmed
clumps. 0.9-1.5 ft. tall. Most in flower.
Biennial or weakly perennial. Growing with
usual roadside weeds.
Elev. 2900-3000 ft.
Mark Allen Wetter 460	30 Jul 1979