Grindelia camporum Greene

Studies for the Jepson Manual revision (1993)
probably hybrid:
(jrindeCia camporumE. Greene var: Sracteosa
(J. Howell) M.A. Lane X
Q. stricta DC. var. pCatypiytta (E. Greene) M.A. Lane
Meredith A. Lane	June 1993
McGregor Herbarium, University of Kansas (KANU)
This specimen is probably a hybrid resulting from an interaction [
between G. stricta var. platyphylla and G. camporum var.
bracteosa. This particular hybrid can be recognized by the series
or two of broad, acute, leaf-like “phyllaries” that subtend the
; usually squarrose “real" phyllaries. It may be found as far north
j asTomales Point on the Pacific side of Point Reyes peninsula in
Marin County southward along the coast (beaches, salt marshes,
sloughs), and on the Channel Islands, to Los Angeles County. |
Some populations may have extremely broad leaves. In addition, i
j some intergradation of this hybrid with G. hirsutula var. hirsutula \
I may be apparent in some “platyphylla X bracteosa” populations in
j Santa Barbara County. The latter results in a growth form with !
several series of long, narrow leaf-like phyllaries subtending the \
“real” phyllaries of usually solitary heads. —M. A. Lane, June 1993. j