Grindelia camporum Greene

Studies for the Jepson, Manual revision (1993)
probably hybrid:
QrindeCia campommE. Greene var. ßracteosa
(J. Howell) M.A. Lane
Q. strictaDC. var.pCatyphyfta(E. Greene) M.A. Lane
Meredith A. Lane	June 1993
McGregor Herbarium, University of Kansas (KANU)
This specimen is probably a hybrid resulting from an interaction
between G. stricta var. platyphylla and G. camporum var.
bracteosa. This particular hybrid can be recognized by the series
or two of broad, acute, leaf-like "phyllaries” that subtend the
usually squarrose “real" phyllaries. It may be found as far north
asTomales Point on the Pacific side of Point Reyes peninsula in
Marin County southward along the coast (beaches, salt marshes,
sloughs), and on the Channel Islands, to Los Angeles County.
Some populations may have extremely broad leaves. In addition,
some intergradation of this hybrid with G. hirsutula var. hirsutula
may be apparent in some "platyphylla X bracteosa” populations in
Santa Barbara County. The latter results in a growth form with
several series of long, narrow leaf-like phyllaries subtending the
"real” phyllaries of usually solitary heads. —M. A. Lane, June 1993.
12685	Plants of California
Corallltos Canyon drainage near junction with
Corallitos Canyon road, Point Sal Ridge
Santa Barbara County
Roxana S. Ferris
July 24, 1955