Rubus allegheniensis Porter

The New York Botanical Garden
Plants of U.S.A.
Rosaceae Rubus allegheniensis T. C. Porter
Wisconsin, Crawford Co., 1 mile NE of Mt. Zion, 0.5 mi
E of Hwy 61, on Hwy. S, the road to Excelsior.
Near large limestone quarry (for road gravel) near top of
T 9 N; R 3 W; SW 16 SW */4 Sect. 10.
43°15’51”N, 90°43’28”W. alt. 1030 ft.
Shrublets on grassy roadside bank at edge of quarry and
stand of Populus deltoides, P. grandidentata, Ulmus rubra.
Plants 1 m. tall or less, without obvious new primocanes
being produced. Floricanes with 1-2 horizontal branches
with larger leaves from below inflorsecence. Distal part of
floricane with smaller leaves and many flowers, these
odorless (5:00 P.M., partly cloudy); petals white.
Coll.: M. Nee 55430
25 May 2007