Rubus allegheniensis Porter

The New York Botanical Garden
Plants of U.S. A.
Rosaceae Rubus allegeniensis T. C. Porter
det. M. Nee, 2006
Wisconsin, Richland Co., 3 miles SE of center of
Richland Center.
T ION; R 1 E; NE VaNE Va Sect. 35
43°18’29”N, 90°19’52”W. alt. 765 ft.
Patches in brushy fencerow and edge of woods and
cultivated fields, with Acer negundo, Prunus serotina,
vigorously spreading (from originally planted trees) Robinia
pseudoacacia, and much Urtica dioica, motherwort.
Floricanes 1.5 m. tall, arching; primocanes erect, shorter,
still developing. Flowers odorless, visited by 2 species of
butterflies, honey bees, and other smaller bees (8:30-9:00
A.M., sunny); petals white; filaments white; anthers brown;
styles yellow-green.
Coll.: M. Nee 54407
28 May 2006