Fuirena squarrosa Michx.

As i«t*rciui
S.Krai. 1974
!hks. im.
921. Fuirena squarrosa Michx.
FI. Bor.-Am. i. 37 (l80S) ; Torr. FI. N. & Middle U.S.
i. 67 (l828); Gray, Man. 520 (1848); Fernald in Rhodora,
xl. 896 (1938).
Syn. F. hispida Ell. Bot. S. Car. & Ga. i. 579 (1821);,,
Torr. in Ann. Lyc. N.Y. iii. 292 (l886) ; Robinson &
Fernald in Gray, Man. ed. 7, 197, fig. 307 (l908) ; Brit-
ton & Brown, 111. FI. ed. 2, i. 338, fig. 833 (l91S); Small.
Man. Se. FI. 173 (1933). F. squarrosa var. hispida (Ell.)
Chapm. FI. So. U.S. 514 (i860); Coville in Bull. Tom
Bot. Club, xvii. 7, t. 98, fig. 4 (1890); Watson & Coulter
in Gray, Man, ed. 6, 583 (l890) Britton & Brown, 111.
FI. i. 274 (1896) ; Small, FI. Se. U.S. 176 (1903).
Spring-fed wooded argillaceous sphagnous bog, head-
waters of Jones Hole Swamp, north of Coddyshore, Sussex
County, Virginia.
Coll.L.B. Smith, A.R.Hodgdon.	August 11, 1939.