Alphitonia zizyphoides A.Gray

  • Region


  • Country


  • State/Province


  • County/Municipio

    Aneityum Area Council

  • Locality

    Aneityum Island. Forest at Anuentohow

  • Elevation

    Alt. 46 m. (151 ft.)

  • Coordinates

    -20.2222, 169.798

  • Distribution

    Map all specimens of this taxon

New York Botanical Garden: NY
Vanuatu National Herbarium: PVNH
The Flora of Vanuatu
Alphitonia zizyphoides A. Gray
Vanuatu: Tafea Province. Aneityum Island. Forest at
S 20° 13’ 19.8"; E 169° 47’ 52.7"; 46 m elev.
Tree to 10 m, dbh 30 cm, fruits green. Growing in
secondary forest. DNA, digital image. Duplicates: 6.
Michael J. Balick, #4900	April 18,2016
Gregory M. Plunkett, K. David Harrison, Thomas Doro,
Jean Pascal Wahe, Presley Dovo
A collaboration ofNYBG and PVNH, funded by The Christensen Fund,
The National Geographic Society, and The Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund.
exudate In the local belief system, it is held that
when a menstruating female has sex with a male,
he will become sick. The symptoms that manifest
are tiredness and lethargy. Drinking this tonic
makes him feel stronger. The bark is boiled in
water until it is red, consumed 2-3 times daily (1
cup each time) until the person feels well. N.B.
The sap of this tree is red.
Source: Wopa Nasauman (m,42), Thomas Japanesai (m,48)