
  • Kingdom


  • Division


  • Order


  • Family


  • All Determinations


  • Region


  • Country


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  • County/Municipio

    Whitesands Tanna Area Council

  • Locality

    Tanna Island, Southeast Tanna, Iarofi/Kounarevan area (between Iatukwei and Imaki), at Kahirapei Namare (flying fox roost) area.

  • Elevation

    Alt. 227 m. (745 ft.)

  • Coordinates

    -19.5902, 169.455

  • Distribution

    Map all specimens of this taxon

New York Botanical Garden: NY	V |La( A
Vanuatu National Herbarium: PVNH ISmwnhJ
The Flora of Vanuatu
Vanuatu: Tafea Province. Tanna Island. Southeast
Tanna, Iarofi/Kounarevan area (between Iatukwei and
I Imaki), at Kahirapei Namare (flying fox roost) area.
S 19° 35’ 24.8"; E 169° 27’ 18.3"; 227 m elev.
Tree, 6 m tall. Fruits green, bark smells of green mango.
Growing in open area at edge of forest and garden.
Duplicates: 2.
Gregory M. Plunkett, #3141	March 11,2015
Marika Tuiwawa, Philip Wahe, Sam Nauka, Morris
Kawas, Zero Erve, Michael J. Balick
A collaboration ofNYBG and PVNH, funded by The Christensen Fund,
The National Geographic Society, and The Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund.
N.V. Nangai [Nafe]
seed Fruits have edible seeds. To prepare, sun
dry the fruits, break the kernel and roast or boil
the nut inside. Is a common food plant.
bole The wood makes good timber.
exudate The latex can be collected, put in a tin
and then heated over a fire. It turns black and can
be used as black paint. It is said to smell nice
when heated.
New York Botanical Garden: NY
Vanuatu National Herbarium: PVNH
The Ethnobotany of Vanuatu
Gregory M. Plunkett #3141
Source: Sam Natou (M, 55), Sam Nauka (m, so), Philip Wahe
(M, 60+)