Fimbristylis caroliniana (Lam.) Fernald

  • Filed As

    Fimbristylis caroliniana (Lam.) Fernald

  • Identifiers

    NY Barcode: 2846247

    Occurrence ID: da1e670f-3ee4-46c2-b05b-6da44cdd2935

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Herbarium of the University of Florida
Agricultural Experiment Station
Plants of Florida
Fimbristylis caroliniana (Lam.) Fern.
Leaves thin, concave upward; culms flattened;
stems solitary or few together; almost all
plants with stolons; with Solidag© semper-
virens, poorly drained interdunal flat near
w. end.of Dog Island, ca. 5 mi. s. of Carra-
belle, T8S, R4W,
Franklin County
coll. D. B. Ward 3818	23 Nov. 1963
det. D. B. W.