Prunus x pugetensis Jacobson

Prunus xpugetensis A. L. Jacobson &
P. F. Zika (P. avium * emarginata)
White flowers, petals pubescent, 9-11 mm
long; pedicels 7-13 mm; peduncles 7-10 mm
long; pits smooth, 10-11 x 7-8 mm wide;
trees 12 m tall, single-trunk, dark gray bark;
edge of disturbed second-growth woods of
Pseudotsuga menziesii, with Prunus avium,
P. emarginata, Symphoricarpos, Zell Road,
just E of Interstate 5, 0.2 miles S of junction
with Willeys Lake Road, 6 km W of Willey
Lake, elev. 22 m, T40N RIE S36, 48° 55.1