Eriophorum angustifolium Roth

Ada Hayden Herbarium
Iowa State University
Flora of Icwa
Eriophorum anaustifolium Honck.
Cerro Gordo Co.: Lincoln Township T97N
R21W Sec 15 NE4 NE4 SW4
Site is approximately 5.5 miles
north-northeast of the intersection of U.S.
Highway 18 and U.S. Interstate Highway 35.
There are two fens here in an active cattle
pasture northwest of a farmstead. The fens
are on a northeast-facing slope above the
terrace and floodplain of the Winnebago
River. One fen is east of a small
drainageway and is represented as a single
muck spot in the soil survey. It is very
disturbed and small (less than 0.3 acre).
The second fen is west of the drainageway
and is represented by four muck spots in
the soil survey. It is moderately
disturbed and about 3 acres in size (Both
sites are owned by the Kinney-Lindstrom
Foundation of Mason City). The soil here
is probably Palms muck, 1-4% slopes (221B),
a Terric Medisaprist. The soil above the
fens is Lester loam, 18-25% slopes (236F),
a Mollic Hapludalf. The fens are on the
Iowan Surface.
400+ stems in fruit, found primarily in the
upper half of the west fen (it did not
occur in the east fen). The hairs on the
fruits were white. Ihere was tufa present
in the upper 10 cm of muck at the
collection site. The collection came from
west-central part of the west fen and east
of a brook. The bgook had a pH of 7.61 and
a temperature of 9 C about 10 m north of
its source, a spring. Associated with
Cardamine bulbosa. Carex sp. and Typha sp.
Mark J. Leoschke 602	19 May 1988
Collected for the Iowa Department of
Natural Resources