Eleocharis macrostachya Britton

Herbarium of Rancho Santa Ana Botanic Garden
Plants of MONO Co., California, USA
Eleocharis macrostachya Britton
GLASS MOUNTAIN REGION: Long Valley; Owens River edge,
appx. 2km NW of Benton Crossing. Fisherman's access gate
nearby. (Whitmore Hot Sprs. quad: 37° 42.612'N, 118°
46.95l'W; T3S R29E S9, NW/4 of NE/4). Alt.: 2080m/6822ft.
Actively grazed banks and meadow above meanders of river. Soft
fine pumice soil, becoming alkaline. Streambanks of dense thatch
of Carex nebrascensis, Juncus balticus, Hordeum spp., Glaux
maritima, Cirsium scariosum, Iris missouriensis, Sisyrinchium
halophilum. Saltgrass meadows dominated by Distichlis spicata,
Pyrrocoma lanceolata.
Occasional on muddy riverbanks. Rhizomed, inflated stems.
Michael Honer 1788	23 Jul 2002
Entered into RSA Database (2613RSA)