Eleocharis macrostachya Britton

Eleocharis macrostachva Britt,
det.: A.A. Reznicek 14 Oct. as E. palustris s.l.]; S.R. Hill Cyper
ILLINOIS: BROWN COUNTY Cooperstown 7.5 min.
quad., T. 1 S, R. 1 W., SW/4, NE/4 sec. 16. EL Dept, of
Transportation Wetland Mitigation Site (former Wessel
property); N boundary: La Moine River (Schuyler Co.
line), E : Illinois River, ca. 4.5 mi E of Cooperstown.
Alluvial silt and loam, generally mud.
Former marsh in partly filled oxbow, mostly used as com
fields. With Typha angustifolia, T. latifolia, Polygonum
amphibium (tall erect form). Local, infrequent
herbaceous perennial, rhizomatous, in patches ca. 1 m
diam; culms shiny green, flattened, base reddish.
Steven R. Hill 32419	7 June 2000
D. Busemeyer, M.A. Feist, J. Matthews