Cyperus erythrorhizos Muhl.

WISCONSIN : Green Lake County
(T 14 N; R 11E; Sec.6 NE% of SW%
Grand River Marsh Wildlife Area
at DNR spillway across Grand R.
1 mi. N of Co. Hwy. B.
Cyperus erythrorhizos Muhl.
Wet marly sand of open sunny
shore of causeway, vf
depauperate flora of
sedges and grasses, incl.
pus validus, S. fluviatilis,
Echinochloa muricata, Polygonum lapathifoliua,
Verbena hastata, Bidens cernua, Lemna minor,
Date: Sept. 20, 1981	No.: 9483
Coll(s).: Theodore S. & Barbara A. Cochrane
& L. trisulca.