Abolboda grandis Griseb.

Instituto Venezolano de Investigaciones Científicas,
Caracas, Venezuela &
Institute of Ecology, University of Georgia, USA
Abo 1 boda
VENEZUELA, Territorio Federal Amazonas.
San Carlos de Rio Negro, ca. 20 km S of confluence of Rio Negro
and Brazo Casiquiare; lat. 1°56'N, long. 67°03'W; altitude 119 m;
(average rainfall 3400-3600 mm/year).
Mari's bana (low Amazon caatinga), 10.8 km NE of San
Carlos on Solano road. Shaded, edge of caatinga.
Leaves flexible, ±coriaceous, margin entire, hyaline.
Corolla blue, fading to white.	[UNICATE!]
Howard L. Clark 7018	18 February 1979
Abolboda grandis Griseb.»Linnaea 21: 281.
1848. var. grandis
R.Kral 6/88