Cyperus alopecuroides Rottb.

Cyperus alopecuroides Rottb.
Grown under greenhouse containment for research at USDA-
ARS Jamie Whitten Delta States Research Center, Southern
Weed Science Research Unit, Stoneville, Washington County,
Mississippi. [Seeds originally from David Hall; collected as
follows: U.S.A.,_Florida, Polk County: Rare; west shore of
Mud Lake, just above standing water; north end of Golden
Gate Blvd., east of County Road 33 (=Commonwealth Blvd.),
southwest of Polk City, S6, T27S, R25E., 3 Sep 2008, Peggy
Morgan 60 (# corresponds to a particular collection event)]
February 27,2009
Charles T. Bryson 23042