Polemonium schmidtii Klokov

International Sakhalin Island Project 2001
Polemonium schmidtii Klok.	[Polemoniaceae]
Det. by Valentin Yakubov, Mar 2011. Fide: PI. Vase. Orientis
Extremi Sovietici
Russian Federation, Sakhalin Region:
Northeast part of Sakhalin Island. Southeast of Tungor Village.
Along coast near northern end of Piltun Bay. Om/Oft
53° 15.582' N, 143° 12.257' E
Burned area near small unnamed lake. Epilobium angustifolium
dominant, with patches of Pinus pumila and Ledum.
Purple flowers. Growing in grasses over 1 meter tall. Near stream.
Suzanne Joneson, 3062	4 Aug 2001
[WTU Database #186927]