Ranunculus aquatilis var. diffusus With.

  • Filed As

    Ranunculus aquatilis var. diffusus With.

  • Identifiers

    NY Barcode: 2784939

    Occurrence ID: 612b67fc-6841-4855-877d-d99ca0955303

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Aouatics of the Hue & Popple River Watershed-Florence & Forest Counties
Wild Rivers Studies, Wisconsin Conservation Commission
and Wisconsin State university - Whitewater.
FbRES’T county
(j^Cv'YV lA V\Cc-v! uS 0s®	^	I— .
Stream 40-75 feet wide, water coffee-brown,
bottom sand to cobbles and large rocks.
Vegetation absent to locally dense: Sparganium
(chlorocarpum?) abundant; Elodea, Nitella,
Ranunculus feri ohophyIlus-, Potamogeton alpinus
present. 'V** lf«
Popple River: between FSR 2167 and Wisconsin
Hwy 139 west of the village of Popple River.
Sections 9, 10, 11 and 1 of R.14E.-T.38N.
and Section 6 of R.15E.-T.38N. 7 July 1968
Collected by: Robert K. Rose	No.
and William Hummel