Stachys albens A.Gray

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    Stachys albens A.Gray

Herbarium of U. C. Riverside (UCR)
Plants of Los Angeles County, California, USA
Stachys albens Gray	LAM
Transverse Range; San Gabriel Mountains: Lodi Canyon Falls,
first major waterfall up canyon from confluence with San Dimas
Canyon, San Dimas Experimental Forest (Glendora 7.5’ Q.:
34°09'29"N, 117°46'38"W, ±1000m; TIN R9W S24). Alt.:
476m/1560ft. Canyon bottom, narrow and steep at waterfall;
riparian zone surrounded by chaparral and coastal sage scrub, with
Adiantum capillus-veneris, Lobelia dunnii, Ageratina
adenophora, Piptatherum, Mimulus cardinalis, etc.
Uncommon perennial; fls. white.
R.G.Swinney 11524
06 Aug 2009
Entered into UCR Database (74807UCR1)