Cryptantha muricata (Hook. & Arn.) A.Nelson & J.F.Macbr.

  • Filed As

    Cryptantha muricata (Hook. & Arn.) A.Nelson & J.F.Macbr.

  • Identifiers

    NY Barcode: 02715301

    Occurrence ID: d8ad02e5-e8c5-48c9-8b64-6c17e2e64cb8

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Herbarium of U. C. Riverside (UCR)
Plants of Los Angeles County, California, USA
Cryptantha muricata (H. & A.) Nels. & Macbr.	BORA
Det. by A.C. Sanders, Jan 2015.
San Gabriel Mountains: just south of boundary of Placerita
Canyon Natural Area, in Natl. Forest, Manzanita Mountain (on
park map but not on USGS topo), just north of jet. of Manzanita
iMtn. Trail and USFS ridge firebreak (San Fernando 7.5’ Q.:
34°22'18"N, 118o28'07"W, ±1000m; T3N R15W S5, NE/4). Alt.:
659-671 m/2160-2200ft. High point on ridge, previously
bulldozed on top and along the south and west ridglines; chaparral,
with dominants including A denostoma fasciculatum, Eriogonum
fasciculataum var. polifolium, Salvia mellifera, Eriodictyon
crassifolium, and Acmispon glaber.
Uncommon annual on saddle and summit, full exposure; white fls.
R.G. Swinney 12981	25 May 2010
Entered into UCR Database (1439RGS)