Delphinium depauperatum Nutt.

21816 Delphinium depauperatum Nutt*
in • & G.
ASOTIN CO: about 17 mi. 8« of Asotin,
in T8N, R46E, Sect* 34, in moist (too
moist to plow in spring) meadowland
along small intermittent stream (now dry
or nearly so) with Wv^thia. .etc.
Plants from fairly lafge, more fleshy
than fibrous roots; clammy to the touch;
racemes strict, the flowers appressed;
nearly erect; sepals fairly well spread,
but the more or less cucullate tips cup»
ped forward somewhat, bluish-purple but
with prominent whitish-green midstripe;
lower petals deep bluish-purple, the blad
deeply bifid. Upper petals grayish-blue
with deep pencilling; stems moderately
fistulose, leaves not strongly dimorphic*
C. L. Hitchcock
C. V. Muhlick
June 10, 1959