Cotoneaster horizontalis Decne.

Cotoneaster horizontalis Decne. Rosaceae
Spreading shrub 0.7 m tall, branches stiff
and herringbone-planar, deciduous leaves
turning red, shiny, mostly elliptic, 7-10 x
5.5-8 mm w; 1-3 frt/infr; fruit 5-8.5 x 4.7-
7.7 mm w, red, obovate to broadly obovate,
2-3(4) sd/frt; seed 2.8-4.6 x 2.2-3.4 mm w;
bird-sown adventive (no cultivated plants in
area), sunny slope above freeway, with
Rubus ursinus, R. spectabilis, Alnus rubra,
W-bound 1-90 near truck scales, height of
land 0.2 air km NW of Echo Lake, elev. 270
m, 47° 30.7'N, 121° 52.2’W
Coll. Peter F. Zika 23697 5 Nov 2007