Gleditsia triacanthos L.

1150. Gleditsia triacanthos L.,
Forma inermis C.K. Schneider
111. Handb. Laubholzk. ii. 12 (l907); Fassett in Rho-
dora, xxxviii. 97 (l986); Deam, FI. Indiana, 590 (1940).
Syn. G.inermis Moench, Meth. 69 (l794<). G.triacanthos
ß. inermis Willd. Berlin. Baunazucht, 163 (l811); Pursh,
FI. Am. Sept. i. 221 (lSl^^^Torr. & Gray, Fl. N. Am. i.
398 (l840); Sargent, Silva N. Am. iii. 75 (l892), in adnot.
A single tree associated with thomed or typical form. Trunk
and branches entirely lacking thorns. Photograph by R.M.Tryon,
Jr., to show unarmed trunk.
In woods bordering Pond Creek, 2^ miles southwest of
Freelandville, Knox County, Indiana.
Coll. R.M.Tryon, Jr. (no. 4760). August 21, 1941.