Guilandina bonduc L.

3tet üg?rB, Mortila Jan 4
Dr J ,K,Small
New York City
Dear Sir:
That Guilandina failed to produce
any pods and I have been unable to locate
any other plants of the kind. That is the
only plant I have ever found in the county
except the common gray-seeded kind,
I am trying to grow some plants from
slips and if I can get them to root, will
send them to you.
Have you ever found a white Iris
around here? Mrs Baker tells me she found
large patches of them around AJva.
One of my specimens of Solidago you
called stricta. In Jfoutfrsbook it is called
a northern species. Was it later found in
the south, or is it different from what
he called stricta?
Just received some Mucuna pods from
Mr Mosier and was much pleased with them
for I never saw the pods before.
If I find any Iris plants that you
might like to have, will send them to you,
and will be glad to send anything you
are interested in whenever I can get them.
Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden
Examined far
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