Guilandina bonduc L.
Filed As
Guilandina bonduc L. -
NY Barcode: 02724396
Occurrence ID: 5a357f7e-be38-409e-9659-4d5504912860
All Determinations
Guilandina bonduc L., 2018
Note: Accepted name: Gagnon et al. 2016. Generic syst. Caesalpinia. PhytoKeys 71: -160
Location Notes
[US & Canada]
PLANTAE EXSICCATAE GRAYANAE 1358. Caesalpinia Crista L. Sp. PI. ed. 1, 880 (l75S) non ed. 2 nec aliorum; Urb. Symb. Ant. ii. 269 (1900), iv. 278 (1905); Merrill, In- terp. Rumph. Herb. Amboin. 260 (1917); Hutchinson & Dalziel, FI. W. Trop. Afr. i. 348, 349, fig. 135A (l928); Irvine, PI. Gold Coast 69 (l930); Standley, Trees & Shrubs of Mexico in Contrib. U.S. Nat. Herb, xxiii. 422 (1922). Syn. Guilandina Bonduc L. Sp. PI. 381 (l753) non ed. 2, 545 (1762). G. bonducella L. Sp. PI. ed. 2, 545 (1762); Lam. Encyc. Bot. i> 434 (l785) et 111. t. 336 (l823). Caesalpinia bonducella (L.) Fleming in As. Res. xi. 159 (l810) ex Ind. Kew. i. 370, reprinted as Catal. Ind. Me- dic. PI. & Drugs, 11 (1810); Bentham in Mart. FI. Bras, xv. pt. 2, 65, t. 21 (1870); Oliver, FI. Trop. Afr. ii. 262 (l87l); Baker in Hooker, FI. Brit. Ind. ii. 254 (1879); Hemsley, Biol. Centr.-Am. i. 324 (l880); Fawcett & Rendle, FI. Jam. iv. pt. 2, 93, fig. 32 (l920). Caesalpinia Bonduc (L.) Roxb., FI. Ind. ii. 362 (1833); Dandy & Exell in Journ. Bot. lxxvi. 179 (l938); Macbride, FI. Peru in Field Mus. Pub. Bot. xiii. pt. 3, 190 (l943). Guilandina Crista (L.) Small, FI. Se. U.S. 591, 1331 (1903); Britton & Rose in N. Am. FI. xxiii. 337 (l930); Degener, FI. Hawaiiensis, bk. i. fam. 169b (1932). Sprawling vine with vicious recurved spines; stems very fragile; petals yellow; seeds gray or lead-colored. Hypoluxo Island, Palm Beach County, Florida. Coll. R. A. Howard (no. 8048) December 12, 1945
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Guilandina bonduc L.