Baccharis sagittalis (Less.) DC.

  • Filed As

    Baccharis cf. sagittalis (Less.) DC.

  • Identifiers

    NY Barcode: 02728773

    Occurrence ID: 0acea346-04c5-4f73-b245-7a1df1b4d673

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Rancho Santa Ana Botanic Garden Herbarium
Flora of Argentina
Argentina, Prov. Entre Rios, N of Ceibas, between
Perdices and Gualeguaychu, along Highway 14,
roadside, at the 35 km marker. 33° 13.11’ S, 58° 41.16’
W. Eroding slopes E of road, growing with Paspalum,
Echinochloa, Euphorbia, Grindelia, Rhus, and
Boutelua megapotamica.
7 February 1999
J. Mark Porter 11864
J. Travis Columbus