Stellaria radians L.

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    Stellaria radians L.

Russian Federation, Sakhalin Region:
Southern part of Sakhalin Island. Approximately 10 kilometers east
of Korsakov. Approximately 2-3 kilometers north from Moreya
River mouth. 35m/114ft
46° 38.480' N, 142° 54.615’E
Lowland forest with slow-moving creeks. Patches of Larix and
Picea with no undergrowth. Patches of Betula with Poa
undergrowth. And patches of Ledum and fern with herbs.
White flowers. Common. Growing on stream bank.
Suzanne Joneson, 2935
28 Jul 2001
[WTU Database #186040]
International Sakhalin Island Project 2001
Stellaria radians L.	[Caryophyllaceae]
Det. by Valentin Yakubov, Mar 2011. Fide: Voroschilov, 1982