Dichanthelium boscii (Poir.) Gould & C.A.Clark

  • Filed As

    Dichanthelium boscii (Poir.) Gould & C.A.Clark

  • Identifiers

    NY Barcode: 02703655

    Occurrence ID: 9b712ff4-ff04-401d-9138-1d61591c278a

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Illinois Natural History Survey (ILLS)
Plants of Illinois, USA
Panicum boscii Poir
Illinois: Marion County
38.57331 0 Latitude -89.10703 0 Longitude
Quadrangle: Centralia East
T. 2N, R IE, NE 1/4, Sect. 32
Approx. 3/4 mile east and slightly south of Junction City, immediately east of U.S. Rt. 51, and
south of Turkey Creek (WGS84/NAD83)
Northwest-facing terrace woodland south of Turkey Creek. Overstory associates included:
Acer sagchflij-yifl- Ca^va ovalis. C. ovata. C. tomentosa. Celtis occidentalis. Ouercus alba. O.
rubra. Other associates included: Ansaeirai dracontium. A. triphvllum. Aristolochia
cilitata. Bromus nubescens. Carex albicans. C. bushii.
3645 Michael J. C. Murphy
17 June 2009
M. J. C. Murphy