Chorizanthe parryi var. fernandina (S.Watson) Jeps.

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    Chorizanthe parryi var. fernandina (S.Watson) Jeps.

  • Identifiers

    NY Barcode: 02705378

    Occurrence ID: 8f74cd33-3778-4c15-b4fd-b5b2786d8f93

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Herbarium of U. C. Riverside (UCR)
Plants of Los Angeles County, California, USA
Chorizanthe parryi var.femandina (S. Wats.) Jepson
Santa Clara RiverValley: Valencia, Newhall Ranch, entrance to
Magic Mountain Theme Park, survey area 62 (Newhall 7.5’ Q.;
34o25'10"N, 118°35'20"W, ±100m). Alt.: 366-549m/1200- 1800ft
Wash on flat to gentle slopes; aljuvial benches with silty alluvium;
coasted ¿age scfub and alluvial scrub, with Artemisia tridentata,
Lotus strigosus, Cryptantha, Croton setigerus, Trichostenta
lanceolatum, Sambucus mexiccma, Ericameria palmeri
pachylepis, Brassica, Caniissonia bistorta, etc.
Locally abundant annual, c. 350,000 plants, on flat to S-facing
slopes; fls. white.
Mark A. Elvin 2527
^	-	24 Apr 2003
Entered into UCR Database (74404UCRV)