Cynanchum blandum (Decne.) Sundell

  • Filed As

    Cynanchum blandum (Decne.) Sundell

  • Collector(s)

    M. J. G. Hopkins 679 with K.F. Rodrigues, E.S. Silva, R. Perreira de Lima, J. Guedes de Oliveira & B. Lowy, 12 Jun 1986

  • Location

    Brazil. Roraima. Ilha de Maracá, Mun. Alto Alegre. SEMA Estação. Furo Pananá de Firmino of Rio Uraricuera on S side of island. Within 1km of end of Nova Olinda.

  • Specimen Notes

    [Record databased by volunteers in the DIGIVOL Crowdsourcing Platform. Imported to NYBG database in 2023.]

  • Identifiers

    NY Barcode: 2699491

    Occurrence ID: cefbd441-bded-4c69-bbe3-5001406fdc36

  • Feedback

    Send comments on this specimen record

  • Region

    South America

  • Country


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  • Locality

    Ilha de Maracá, Mun. Alto Alegre. SEMA Estação. Furo Pananá de Firmino of Rio Uraricuera on S side of island. Within 1km of end of Nova Olinda.

  • Coordinates

    3.4, -61.43

  • Distribution

    Map all specimens of this taxon

Cynanchum blandum (Decne.) Sundell
det./conf. S. Liede University of Bayreuth
The New York Botanical Garden
Cynanchum blandum (Decne) E. Sundell
det: Ricardo Callejas. 1986
Programa Flora
The New York Botanical Garden
Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazonia
Museu Paraense Emilio Goeldi
Ilha de Maraca, Mun. Alto Alegre. SEMA Estapao.
3°24'N 61#26'W. Euro Panana de Firmino of Rio
Uraricuera on S side of island. Within 1 km of end
of Nova Olinda. Vegetation overhanging river.
Vine. Buds pale mauve.
Hopkins, M.J.G., K.F. Rodrigues, E.S. Silva, R.
Perreira de Lima, J. Guedes de Oliveira, & B. Lowy
Y9	^2	June	1986
"if i
Fieldwork supported by The National Science Foundation and the
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvlmento Científico e Tecnologico (CNPq).