Cotoneaster adpressus Bois

University of Michigan Herbarium
Cotoneaster ¿lA j
WASHTENAW Co.: E side of Peters Road, just N of Miller
Rd., ca. 5 miles WNW of Ann Arbor, SW 1/4 section 10, Scio
Twp. GPS: 83° 49’ 48.6” N, 42° 18’ 53.9” W
Extensive, open gravel pit, no longer being mined and now
undergoing slow primary succession.
Single large, prostrate shrub to ca. 1.5 m diameter; leaves shiny,
with flat to slightly undulate margins, upper leaf surface flat; “
petals deep pink, filaments pink, anthers pinkish with nearly white
center, quickly fading to brown, number of styles (counted in
several flowers) 3,
Same individual as AAR 11744 (Oct. 2005)
A.A. Reznicek 11871
John Russell
May 29 2007